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Burning herbs and incenses is a sacred practice in many traditions. In Native American traditions, this practice is called "smudging." 

Smudging can take many forms. Sometimes herbs are bundled and allowed to dry. These are called "smudge sticks." Some herbs can be braided, such as Sweetgrass. The main idea behind burning the herbs is to release their energy and fragrance. The Native Americans believe that negativity attaches to the smoke and the smoke carries the negativity away.

Sacred Herbs
Soon after human beings discovered how to make fire we began to notice that when different things burned they produced aromatic smoke. As herbs, roots, resins, and barks are changed from their physical form (of this world) they are changed by the element of fire into smoke (spirit world form). This transformation is evidence of the spirit within substances.

Throughout human history, aromatic plants have been used in the daily activities of people from every culture. As time has passed, this connection between people and plants is being forgotten. We are drifting further and further away from the ways that connect us to the plant and animal spirits with whom we share the earth. We are losing our understanding of the physical things around us that connect us to the spirit of life.

People who respect the ways of the Shaman understand that the influence of plant medicine is very real in their daily lives.

Commonly, Sage, Sweetgrass and/or Cedar are burned to purify yourself, your space and your spiritual or healing tools. After lighting the smudge, hold it near your heart. Fan the smoke over your body by first bringing it towards the heart, then inhaling, and pulling it up over the head. You can also burn herbs during healing work and prayer. This helps you connect to your Higher Power. To purify your space, fan the smoke around the space and into the corners, moving stagnant energies.
The act of smudging is done with a bowl or Abalone Shell with the appropriate herbs directly lit or burned on a coal or Charcoal Tablet. When using charcoal tablets the bowl or shell should be filled with sand or a flat stone to prevent over-heating the container. Smudging is also done with herbs tied in bundles called Smudge Sticks. In either case the smoke is “washed” over the person or object with a Feather or by fanning the smoke with one’s hand.


To smudge, your will need your herbs, a container, and maybe charcoal. (This method utilizes charcoal.) Ceramic and glass bowls work well. Place a layer of soil, sand or salt in the bottom of your container for insulation, then add your charcoal and herbs. Most people use prepared, quick-lighting charcoal.
WARNING: The burning charcoal and herbs can heat the container up enough to scorch the surface on which it is resting or the hand holding it. Light your charcoal tablet and place it in your container. Sprinkle the herbs onto the charcoal, a little at a time. 

If you prefer to light your whole bundle or braid, hold it in a candle flame until the smudge glows red. Blow out the flame. It should smoulder at least a few minutes. You'll need a bowl to catch the hot ashes. They will eventually go out by themselves.
Caution: Burning excessive amounts of smudge or excessive burning of smudge can lead to respiratory problems. Avoid burning smudge in the same room as infants, around anyone who is pregnant or suffering from respiratory problems, or around those who have asthma or respiratory allergies. Never leave burning smudge, charcoal, candles or fires unattended.

There are many types of SMUDGE STICKS & HERBS.  Our collection includes some of the most esteemed traditional smudging ingredients along with all the necessary items you will need to enjoy them. An excellent way to purify your sacred space and bless your fellow journeyers. 

Incense - STICKS

Since antiquity incense has been used for creating aromatic, fragrant spaces both indoors and out with fine natural incense resins, woods and herbs. Incense has always been deeply intertwined with religious ceremonies, as well as the practice of medicine. In fact the first reported healing practices, recorded in ancient Egypt, exposed patients to the smoke of incense for healing.
Strengthen your connection to nature as soft clouds of frankincense, mastic, storax, sandalwood, juniper and lemon grass ascend to the heavens!
Incense awakens us to the pleasures of earth's aromatic treasures and our interconnection with nature. Envelop yourself in fragrances that greet the rising sun with a clean and invigorating aroma, entertain guests with exotic fragrances, purify indoor spaces, enhance dream activity, relax with a soft, smooth, calming mixture that eases the troubles of the day, or blend a warm, sweet and seductive mixture to stimulate your sensuality for an evening of mystery and intimacy.

Types of  incense sticks
Incenses from India ("agarbatties") represent literally thousands of different ingredients and compounds. They usually contain liquid perfumes as well as solid base ingredients such as sandalwood powder, charcoal and a resin known as "jigit". 

Any such incense can be expected to have 50 or more ingredients. As a result, the variety of incense from
India is quite vast.  Described below are five processes which encompass all varieties of stick incense from India. Each type is prefaced with a word that denotes the basic nature of each incense. While some incenses don't fall exactly into any one category, these descriptions are helpful, particularly once you have tried a given type.

MASALA is the Indian word for a blend of spices and/or herbs, such as those used in making curries or other food dishes. Masala incenses are made by blending a number of solid ingredients into a paste which is then rolled onto a bamboo core stick. Masalas usually do not contain liquid perfumes, which can evaporate. 

CHARCOAL is integral in the manufacturing of a blank stick, which is then dipped into a mixture of perfumes and essential oils. Charcoal blanks usually contain sandalwood powder, a resin and possibly other substances. Most "charcoal" incenses are black or near-black in colour and are distinctive because they are rich in fine liquid perfumes. 

DURBARS (and Champas) are wet-process incenses which frequently contain ingredients entirely unfamiliar in the West. They are usually very slow burning and quite sweet and spicy in bouquet. They can amalgamate solid and liquid perfumes in a gummy base which never quite dries, making the sticks themselves soft to the touch. All are highly fragranced. 

COMBINATION incenses are those which have the qualities of both the Masala and the Charcoal. It is possible to make a Masala incense and then dip it into liquid perfumes, producing a very colourful and rich bouquet. These incenses usually have a great deal of depth and leave a lingering after-fragrance, once burned. 

WOODBASE incenses, including many Ambers, contain little more than powdered or shaved wood plus a resinous or solid perfume. They are really Masalas, but since the woodiness is so distinct in most cases, it is best to put them into a separate category.

Of the many types of INCENSE STICKS on the market, we carry quite a huge range, but do always ask us if there is a particular variety for which you seek and we will endeavour to obtain it for you. We carry a large selection of  INCENSE HOLDERS on which to burn your Incense.  Our INCENSE STICKS collection includes some of the best.


INDIAN - Assorted Brands






INCENSE Cones & Dhoop


Incense - CONES

It is worth contemplating why incense has regularly been used for centuries across various religions and faiths, be they Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu or most others. One of the most important reasons is that it purifies the air and has an extraordinarily soothing effect on the mind. Just like a candle brightens up a darkened room, the aromatic effect of incense offers tranquillity to the senses. Incense is also said to have several medicinal effects. Many earlier civilizations used incense as an herbal medicine for treating health disorders. This in fact forms the basis of aromatherapy. Many incense ingredients are used as medicines all over the world.

Incense during meditation is said to dissipate the negative energy. The burning of incense helps to create a positive state of mind and helps also to condition the mind to associate the typical fragrance with the properties so associated. Certain fragrances in the incense impart positive impulses to the brain. These positive impulses, over time, become a natural response to that particular incense. The mind becomes "conditioned" to respond in a particular way when that incense is used.

What is the difference between Incense Sticks and Cones?
Incense cones are made from exactly the same ingredients as incense sticks. In the case of incense sticks, the paste is rolled around a small sliver of bamboo, and with cones the paste is rolled into a conical shape. Cones usually burn faster than incense sticks, as they are more compact, giving off their fragrance more intensely. Some people say incense cones have a more pure fragrance, as there is no bamboo sliver that burns. Many people prefer incense cones (also known as dhoop cones) to incense sticks for this reason, as there is no smoke from the bamboo stick to mix with and so dilute, the aroma of the incense. Generally speaking, cones give a greater volume of smoke in a shorter time, so providing a more concentrated fragrance.

Dhoops are a masala sub-group. Masala incenses are made by blending several solid scented ingredients into a paste. These incenses usually contain little or no liquid scents (which can evaporate or diminish over time). They are an extruded incense, lacking a core bamboo stick. Many dhoops have very concentrated scents and put out a lot of smoke when burned. The most well-known dhoop is probably Chandan Dhoop. It contains a high percentage of Sandalwood.

There are many types of INCENSE CONES & DHOOP. Please inquiry if there is a particular variety for which you seek and we will endeavour to obtain it for you. We carry a large selection of CONE HOLDERS on which to burn your Incense. Our INCENSE CONES & DHOOP collection includes some of the best.

INDIAN - Assorted Brands